2024 Release Notes - New Product Features, Bug Fixes, and Improvements



What's New

  • Ascent360 Forms & Preference Center
    • Forms that include checkbox (multiple-select) questions now force a vertical orientation of the checkboxes on the form.


Bug Fixes

  • Ascent360 ESP
    • Fix for issue caused by a Microsoft bot automatically unsubscribing individuals from email. This fix replaced the Unsubscribe form appended onto emails with one that won't be affected by bot clicks. For more, see 6-11-2024 Microsoft Issue Announcement
    • Changes to merge tag processing order in support of opt-out issue outlined above. 


What's New

  • Ascent360 ESP
    • New "Shared" templates folder in Template Library where clients with multiple linked CDPs can share email templates across CDPs. 

Bug Fixes

  • Ascent360 ESP
    • Fix for a bug causing appended UTM values to duplicate in some cases. 
  • Customer Lookup
    • Fix addressing values to not cache on the Reservation History page. 

February - May 2024

February through May of 2024 involved lots of work on our exiting new feature, SMS! We also addressed some miscellaneous bugs in the CDP as well as issues impacting specific clients. 



What's New

  • Ascent360 Preference Center
    • New ability to manage Subscriber Groups and Preference Center form in Ascent360. For more information, see Preference Center Overview
  • Integrations Catalog
    • UI/UX enhancements to the Ascent360 Integrations Catalog.
  • General
    • Font & Icon updates throughout the Platform. 

Bug Fixes

  • Customer Lookup & Campaigns Page
    • Fixed issues where the date columns on these pages were improperly sorting.