Email Training Videos

We created these videos to help you better leverage the Ascent360 email platform. 

How to Automate an Email

This is a very quick video showing you how to set up a recurring (aka "automated") email. Note: you always want to make sure that your corresponding audience has the correct Date Parameters set so people don't get the same message every day.

Edit Your Email Properties

Learn how to edit the properties of an email. In this section you will find the following:

  • Title
  • Subject Line
  • Pre-Header
  • From Name
  • From Email
  • Reply to Email Address
  • Preheader Visibility Checkbox
  • Tracking Parameters

Ways to Preview Your Email

Learn how to preview the email on both desktop and mobile layouts. This is helpful to check the design as you build without needing to send a live test every time.

Email Reporting

Learn about the different reporting options in the email platform. There are several ways to review the information from a send.

Save as a template

Learn how to save a design as a template that can be used on future sends. Templates allow you to build reusable designs that can speed up email building time by reducing duplicate work.

How to Send a Test Email

Learn how to send a test email to an individual email address or a test list. A test send must be completed before moving to a live send.

Design settings

Explore some of the design settings for different parts of the email builder. Jump to the times below for each section:

  • Text Block 00:09 – 02:16
  • Image 02:17 – 03:57
  • Button 03:58 – 05:44
  • Social 05:45 – 06:45
  • Two Column 6:46 – 8:53