Installing the Web Tracking Pixel

The Ascent360 Web Tracking Pixel allows clients to track browsing behavior on your website from known customers who click through an email. Collecting this browsing behavior allows for more sophisticated segmentation based on past behavior. 

Ascent360 hosts the JavaScript. From a technical perspective, the scripts pull some parameters out of the browser’s URL and create a first-party cookie. This should not negatively impact your website or loading speeds, however you can choose to test this first with a tag manager. 

Install the Web Tracking Pixel

Install this JavaScript on each page of your website, including your eCommerce pages, immediately after the opening <body> tag. Many eCommerce solutions allow you to apply the Javascript globally (see below).

<script src=""></script> 

<script async src="" onload="logAscentTraffic()"></script>

Important: The “xxx” will need to be replaced with your Ascent360 Client ID. Contact the Ascent360 Help Desk ( or your Client Success Manager if you don’t know this number. 

Once installed, resume your normal email sending activity. As known individuals click through to your website, Ascent360 will automatically collect web tracking data.

Install the Web Tracking Pixel Globally

To install in Lightspeed eCommerce:  

To install in Shopify: 

  1. Log in to your Shopify Administration Dashboard. 

  1. Click “Online Store”, then click “Themes”. 

  1. In the top-right corner, next to your current theme, click the “Actions” button. 

  1. Click “Edit Code”. 

  1. Under ‘Layout’, click theme.liquid to open your template file. 

  1. Scroll to the middle of the document – just after the opening body tag (<body>). 

CMND/CTRL + F is often the best way to find this tag. There may be additional parameters included in the <body> tag, so be sure to paste the scripts between the end of the <body> tag and the beginning of the next <tag>


<body id="{{ page_title | handleize }}" class="gradient {{ template }}{% if template == "product" %} {{ product.handle }}{% endif %}{% if template == "collection" %} {{ collection.handle }}{% endif %}">

{{paste scripts here}}

<a class="skip-to-content-link button visually-hidden" href="#MainContent">

  1. Copy and paste the tracking code below the opening body tag. 

  1. Click ‘Save’. 

To install using Google Tag Manager: 

<!-- Ascent360 Web Tracking: Use with Tag Managers -->


(function() {

var head = document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0];

var trackScript = document.createElement('script');

var fpScript = document.createElement('script');

trackScript.src = '';

fpScript.async = true;

fpScript.src = '';

fpScript.addEventListener('load',function() {







Verify Web Tracking Installation

Once the Ascent360 Web Tracking Pixel is placed on your site and saved, follow the below process to confirm that it is working correctly:

  1. On your website, open up your browser's Developer Tools by right-clicking on the page and selecting "Inspect".
  2. In the HTML Element Inspector, search for "Ascent".
  3. If the Ascent360 Web Tracking Pixel is correctly on the page, you should see the two scripts populated on this page. 
    • Verify that both scripts appear (two sets of <script></script> tags as shown above)
    • Verify that the clientid is correct.
  4. As a failsafe, repeat this process on multiple pages on your website.
  5. Alternatively, please reach out to the Ascent360 Help Desk to confirm installation.

Using your Web Tracking Data for Marketing 

Once Ascent360 validates that incoming data are accurate, clients can create audiences based on page visits of people in the CDP. 

Common Web Tracking use cases include:

  • Create an audience of individuals who visited the "Blog" section of your site to target a new blog post announcement. 
  • Re-engage customers based on known last visit date. 
  • Reinforce a targeted message by utilizing Page Visit in combination with recent email behavior.

The Ascent360 web behavior tracker requires a known user to receive an email, click on a link, and browse your website to match to your existing database. Web tracking metrics available in the CDP will differ from Google Analytics and other digital analytics vendors' metrics due to differing attribution methodologies. Please reach out to us with any questions.

For clients not using the Ascent360 ESP to send emails, the following string needs to be present in the click-through URL in your email provider: 


It is strongly recommended that you work with an Ascent360 resource to:

  1. Ensure the AscentID export to your ESP is correct
  2. Verify URL parameter setup is correct
  3. Confirm that data is flowing as expected