Summary Report
To access the main Email Summary report, navigate to the “Reporting” menu item underneath the “Email” header on the primary navigation.
On this report you have two initial filters in order to review your email performance. The date range filter allows the user to select a range of dates to view data from emails sent between those dates. To filter your results by a specific date range use the date filter to select from a preset list of time ranges or to choose a custom date range select the first option to “Choose Dates” and a date picker will appear.
The second filter on this page allows you to filter this report by a specific email. You can select your email name from the “Find an Email” drop down. There is more information about this report under Campaign Report.
The top metrics on the Summary Report will show you the key performance indicators for all email sent during your selected date range, both as a total number and as a percentage of the whole.
- Delivered represents the number of total emails delivered in the date range selected; percentage of delivered emails in date range selected (percent delivered = (all emails sent - bounces) / all emails sent)
- Opened represents number of opens and open rate of all emails delivered within the date range selected (open rate = all emails opened / all emails sent)
- Clicked represents number of clicks and click rate of all emails delivered within the date range selected (click rate = all emails clicked / all emails sent)
- Bounced represents number of bounces and bounce rate of all emails delivered within date range selected (bounce rate = all emails bounced / all emails sent)
- Unsubscribed represents how many emails dropped due to an unsubscribe out of the total number that were delivered within the date range selected (unsubscribe rate = all emails unsubscribed / all email sent).
Open and Click Rates
The next chart shows your click and open rates graphed over time. This graph will default to represent all availabe send date and will reflect your selected date range from the date filter at the top of the report. This graph represents a daily calculation of open rate (# of emails opened/# emails sent) and click rate (# of emails clicked / # emails sent) where the date used in the graph is the email delivered date.
Under the engagement section more performance indicators are available. The numbers in this section of the report represent the total counts in the selected time period.
- Sent represents the total number of emails sent within the selected date range.
- Delivered represent how many of the total number of emails sent were successfully delivered within the selected date range.
- Unique Opens represents the number of unique opens on emails sent within date range selected.
- Unique Clicks represents the number of unique clicks on emails sent within date range selected.
- Unsubscribes represents the number of emails dropped due to being unsubscribed on emails sent within date range selected.
- Bounces represents the number of emails dropped due to "bounced" status on emails sent within date range selected.
- Blocked represents the number of emails sent with a "blocked" status on emails sent within date range selected.
- Spam Reports represents the number of emails that made a spam complaint on emails sent within date range selected.
These metrics are also available as a download using the download icon.
Top Performing
This area shows the top 15 emails sent within the date range selected, rated on most opens and most clicks. You can toggle between these two views by selecting either the “Most Opens” or “Most Clicks” headers. These metrics are also available as a download using the download icon.
This area shows the bottom 15 emails sent within the date range selected, rated on fewest clicks and fewest opens. You can toggle between these two views by selecting either the “Fewest Opens” or “Fewest Clicks” headers. These metric are also available as a download using the download icon.
Campaign Report
In order to look at the specific performance of an individual campaign use the “View Report by Email” filter at the top of the Summary report. This drop down will allow you to select a campaign name and see specific performance for that campaign. This page exists for every email sent and displays email metrics about that specific send.
Email Name is in the upper left corner and shows as the "heading" of the page. "Data and trends across your 32 recipients" represents the number of people who received the email and is linked to the subscriber report. The search on the upper right allows for searching by name or subject line.
This report also has a date filter for selecting which email sends you want to see reporting for (the date the email was sent is what this date range selector looks at. For a recurring send (the same email design sent on a recurring basis) the date range selector should default to the last 30 days of sends. For a one-time send, the date range selector should default to the date the email was sent + 30 days.
- Audience: the name of the audience or campaign sent this email
- From Name: the from name used on this email
- Reply to: reply to address used to send this email
- Subject: Subject line used to send this email
- From Email: from email used to send this email
- Sent: The datetime when email was sent
- Revenue represents the amount of revenue attributed to the emails delivered within the date range selected.
- Opened represents the number of opens and open rate of all emails delivered within the date range selected (open rate = all emails opened / all emails sent).
- Clicked represents the number of clicks and click rate of all emails delivered within the date range selected (click rate = all emails clicked / all emails sent).
- Bounced represents the number of bounces and bounce rate of all emails delivered within date range selected (bounce rate = all emails bounced / all emails sent).
- Unsubscribed represents the number of unsubscribes and unsubscribe rate of all emails delivered within date range selected (unsubscribe rate = all emails unsubscribed / all emails sent)
Open and Click Rates
The next chart shows your click and open rates graphed over time. This chart displays yearly when date range > 2 years, monthly when date range is between 2 months and 2 years, and daily when the date range is lower than 2 months. Date range will default to last 30 days. This graph represents a daily calculation of open rate (# of emails opened/# emails sent) and click rate (# of emails clicked / # emails sent) where the date used in the graph is the email delivered date.
- Sent represents the total number of emails sent within the selected date range.
- Delivered represent how many of the total number of emails sent were successfully delivered within the selected date range.
- Unique Opens represents the number of unique opens on emails sent within date range selected.
- Unique Clicks represents the number of unique clicks on emails sent within date range selected.
- Unsubscribes represents the number of emails dropped due to being unsubscribed on emails sent within date range selected.
- Bounces represents the number of emails dropped due to "bounced" status on emails sent within date range selected.
- Blocked represents the number of emails sent with a "blocked" status on emails sent within date range selected.
- Spam Reports represents the number of emails that made a spam complaint on emails sent within date range selected.
These metrics are also available as a download using the download icon.
Top Links Click & Subscribers with the Most Opens
The next section of the report will show the top links click from this email ranked in order of the number of clicks.
The subscribers sections represents the top 15 subscribers that received this email ranked in order of most opens.
These metric are also available as a download using the download icons.
Subscriber Report
This report exists for every email sent. Here's how you can access it:
From the Campaigns area (Campaigns > All Campaigns), locate the desired email and under Actions choose "View Report". From the report, click the number of recipients as outlined in green below. (Note: you have to click the number itself).
You should then see a report that looks like this:
At the top of this report, you can choose to show or hide certain columns as well as select the number of rows displayed. You can also download this report by clicking the download icon. The file will download to your desktop rather than land in the 'File Management' area. The file will automatically open in Excel.
Columns defined:
- Email address: email address of the person sent email
- First name: first name of the person sent email
- Last name: last name of the person sent email
- Delivered: the datetime the email was delivered
- Last Opened: the datetime the email was last opened by the person
- Opens: the number of times the person opened the email
- Last Clicked: the datetime the email was last clicked by the person
- Clicks: the number of times the person clicked the email
- Unsubscribed: a true/false flag for whether the person unsubscribed from this email
- Bounced: a true/false flag for whether this email bounced for this person