Landing Page FAQs

Landing Page (Form Builder) Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the Landing Page builder?
All clients that are using the Ascent360 Email Platform can also use the Landing Page builder.

Where is the Landing Page builder in the Platform?
Landing Page builder can be found under Create > Landing Page or Landing Pages > All Landing Pages

Where does the data go when a Form on a Landing Page is submitted?
The data that is collected from a Form will be pushed into your database overnight just like data that comes from the other systems you have integrated. If you configured the form to send all new form submissions to a specific email, a copy of the submission details will be sent there as well.

Can I immediately send an email to a user that submits a form?
Yes, in the Form Settings section, you can select any Draft email that you have in your Email Design Library. The email will be delivered to the user within minutes of submitting the form.

How many Landing Pages can I create?
There is no limit to the number of Landing Pages you can create and publish.

I have already published a Landing Page, but need to make an update. Can I update a published Landing Page?
Yes, you can make updates to a published page and when you save the page, your changes will be published. You can also deactivate the page, make your changes, then re-publish.

Can I create an unsubscribe Form?
You can create unsubscribe forms by defaulting the Email Permission Field to No and hiding the field. It is recommended that your form clearly states that the customer is unsubscribing and you should change your button text to unsubscribe.

Can Landing Pages be used in Emails? 
Yes, you can add a special link to your email. When you select special links, existing pages will be listed as available to add.

Why am I not redirected after submitting a form on a mobile device? 
If the user has popups blocked on their mobile device, they will not be redirected after submitting the form.