The Ascent360 Platform displays all times in Mountain Time (MDT/MST) regardless of what time zone the end user is on. Therefore any export time or email send time is scheduled and displayed in Mountain Time.
The Mountain Time zone is an area 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-7) during the winter months (referred to as MST - Mountain Standard Time) and 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-6) during the summer months (referred to as MDT - Mountain Daylight Time).
In August 2022, we renamed Campaign Manager; it's now called Complex Audience Builder. We didn’t change any of the functionality – just the name.
We made this change because we introduced a new Campaigns area where users can track their email campaign performance, and we wanted to prevent confusion. :)
Here is how to find Complex Audience Builder: On the left navigation bar, click Audiences > Complex Audience Builder.