Updated Articles

  1. Using Preference Center With An Email Signup Form

    Preference Center Setup Currently, preference center and email signup forms live in two separate processes. This solution allows clients to link an email signup form to a preference center form and collect preferences at the time ...
  2. Platform FAQs

  3. Customer Lookup

  4. What Happens When I Disconnect My Source System Data?

    If Ascent360 detects a disconnected data source, Ascent360 will reach out to the client via a Help Desk support ticket.  Disconnecting a data source interrupts the data flow into your Ascent360 marketing platform. Ascent360 will no longer be rece...
  5. 2024 Release Notes - New Product Features, Bug Fixes, and Improvements

    June 06/26/24 What's New Ascent360 Forms & Preference Center Forms that include checkbox (multiple-select) questions now force a vertical orientation of the checkboxes on the form. 06/13/24 Bug Fixes Ascent360 ESP Fix for issue...
  6. Key SMS Campaigns to Implement

    Jumpstart your SMS marketing journey with these essential campaign ideas.  Pre-Arrival Give your guests the ultimate peace of mind leading up to their visit by texting them the most important details at the ideal time in their customer journ...
  7. Add Emojis to your Subject Line

    Adding Emoji in an email’s subject line can lead to higher open rates and better convey the call to action of your email. You can add emojis so email subject lines anywhere you can edit a subject line in the Ascent360 platform. When creating a n...
  8. Create a text message

    Note: SMS will be available for all clients around the middle to end of August 2024. Text Messages > All Designs  Ascent360's SMS Design Library and Composition tool allow you to create, manage, and send new SMS & MMS texts to the individual...
  9. 6-11-2024 Microsoft Issue Announcement New

    The Issue:  In June 2024, Ascent360 identified an increase  in machine opens and clicks for clients sending to Microsoft B2C and Office 365 inboxes. The sudden increase is due to a security change Microsoft made to how its Safe Links feature i...
  10. Landing Page FAQs

    Landing Page (Form Builder) Frequently Asked Questions Who can use the Landing Page builder? All clients that are using the Ascent360 Email Platform can also use the Landing Page builder. Where is the Landing Page builder in the Platform? La...