How to schedule and send an email from the ESP
How to submit a right to be forgotten request
How to insert a dynamic date in a file name.
Created On: 01/20/2021
in Data and integrations
How to request a data import.
Created On: 01/15/2021
in Platform features
What are Webhooks? Ascent360 uses Webhooks as one way of collecting data from client applications. Webhooks are very quickly becoming a popular way of exchanging data between two applications. Thousands of applications send data via webhooks ...
Here's how to add background images to your content rows or the entire email to create even more stunning emails!
In some instances, you may need to add specific HTML to your email without using a content block. In those cases, you can use the custom HTML block to insert valid HTML into your email.
How to add video to your email in a way that deprecates beautifully & is simple to implement.
Working with Borders For those structural and content elements where you can set a border, you have the option to do so for all sides, or for each side individually. This gives you flexibility in setting the look and feel of your email message....